Make a career with AI

Make a career with AI

„Data Science“-Bootcamp von Le Wagon
Make a career with AI

Providers on the topic

The tech training provider Le Wagon is expanding its “Data Science” boot camp to include an AI module. In the future, the training will be called “Data Science & AI” and is intended to impart tech skills for a future-oriented career.

The tech training provider Le Wagon is continuing to expand its offering around AI, ML and analytics.

(Image: Le Wagon)

The further developed “Data Science” course now includes more AI-related teaching units. For example, the Deep Learning module curriculum was updated to include a unit on Transformer, a machine learning method. Basically, participants should learn how to develop generative AI applications.

Well positioned for the future

Other key topics include the use of generative AI to improve coding processes, AI ethics, “explainable AI” and learning techniques for maintaining and reusing deep learning models through efficient CI/CD pipelines (“Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery”). They complement the existing modules in the areas of data analysis, decision science and machine learning. The target group is specialists and anyone interested in AI and data science.

“Data science and AI are among the growth drivers in the technology sector,” explains Le Wagon CEO Boris Paillard. “Learning these technical skills, which are currently in high demand, should create real added value for our students and help them stand out on the job market and thus make it easier for them to position themselves professionally,” he adds.

Details and registration

The course is now available via the Website available from the education provider. Like all boot camps, this offer can be financed entirely through the employment agency's educational voucher.


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